About the Center

The PLF Coaching Center is a resource arm of Kingdom Business Solutions.  The mandate of the Center is to provide a platform through which leaders are empowered to unleash their full potential through coaching.   The Coaching Center commenced operation in January 2017.

The Vision of the Center is to create a community of Coaches within KBS that will ensure that each leader has access to a Coach.

The focus of the Center is two-fold;

  • to ensure that each leader within the KBS fraternity has access to a Coach
  • To building a community of coaches with KBS that will enable further the coaching agenda

As we strive to live in purpose and accomplish great things, we often get stuck along the way. Coaching is a tool through which we develop the capacity to create new possibilities and get un-stuck, allowing us to accomplish our God given goals.

Our Anchor Scripture

‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is good, pleading and the perfect will of God’. Romans 12:2

We believe that the coaching process leads to transformation of mind-set and discerning God’s will for us