PLF class

Dear Marketplace leader,
Trust this message finds you well 😊
So much has happened this year in our nation and am sure your life. We are coming to the end of another year. A time to reflect and evaluate the year that was and project-plan into the year that is coming up. And what better way to start the year than by developing yourself.
The Purpose & Leadership Forum (PLF) is starting its 25th Season on Saturday 13th January with the theme “Trained and Armed to Occupy until I come” every season has a theme and a scripture.
Leaders who engage in PLF are usually at a point in their lives where they are asking themselves the following:
* Is this all there is to life? Surely there is more to my life?
* I am in a period of transition that requires clarity what do I do?
* What is my relationship with God meant to look like what does it entail?
* How can I live out my faith in the marketplace ?
* I feel so stuck in this thing called life! Help am drowning?
* I want to leave a legacy where do I start?
PLF clearly guides one on a self discovery purpose that answers the questions above and a very pertinent question of Why am I here?  In addition the essence of PLF is to engage leaders in a conversation about Purpose that causes changes in thinking and patterns that leads to stronger better leadership of self and others
We also engage in a conversation about the seven spheres of influence that societies are organized and governed around. Namely Business, Media, Governance, Education, Family, Religion & the Marketplace
We at PLF believe we are created with purpose that impacts, affects and influences generations present and future. In your lineage and those connected to your vision
Please learn more about us through watching our Just Angie videos on Facebook and or YouTube channel. Visit our website and watch some of the testimonies and learn more about us on the site
Please contact us on 0705737373 on Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm
The course is 12 Saturday mornings from 9am to 1pm and you are required to purchase a written or audio manual which you read or listen to prior to attending each class session!
We Love God and are not religious do come with expectation and expect transformation by God Himself.
Thank you and God bless,
Pastor Angie Murenga.