Shalom 👋🏾🌸


We are proud and honored to share with you the Fourth Edition of our Community Newsletter, The Ekklesian a quarterly round up of all the amazing undertakings the Marketplace Ekklesia is up to under the leadership of APEPT Angie Murenga.

In this issue we recap the Women and Trauma Workshop including a message from Apostle Angie Murenga on The New Face of Female Leadership.

We are privileged to feature Dr. Wale Akinyemi on the Strategic Leadership as well as Patricia Okello who gave us great insights on Entrepreneurship.

We also feature members of the Marketplace Ekklesia Accelerator community who are moving and shaking things within their sphere of influence.

We would love to know your thoughts on the content as well as any feedback on what you would like to see in newsletters to come.
Reach us on .

Love and blessings 💖.